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Vi-skogens arbete

Celebrate with me in the forest

In a few days I’m leaving my 20s behind. For obvious reasons I won’t be throwing a party, but if you want to celebrate my 30th birthday with me, soothe my crisis, show me some love, or just contribute to a good cause, please make a donation to this fundraising. (Facebook in Argentina doesn't allow us to make birthday fundraisings).

Every donation counts, big or small. Many organisations are in great need of donations. I've picked this organisation because it means a lot to me. My grandmother, who passed away this year, started buying trees in Vi-skogen long before I was born. The forest keeps growing.

From the website

"Vi Agroforestry (Vi-skogen) is a Swedish development cooperation organisation, fighting poverty and improving the environment through agroforestry. We do this together with small-holder farming families and farmers’ organisations in the Lake Victoria basin in East Africa.

The foundation of Vi Agroforestry’s work is sustainable agriculture and agroforestry – growing trees alongside crops and livestock. It provides increased access to food, access to sustainable energy sources and more income. Sustainable agriculture contributes to the mitigation of climate change and protects against the negative effects of climate change.

Vi Agroforestry works in four countries in Eastern Africa: in Kenya in the Kitale and Kisumu regions, in Uganda around Masaka and Kampala, in Tanzania in the Mara and Kagera regions and in Rwanda around Kigali.

Through agroforestry and strengthening of farmers’ organisations, to empower smallholder farmer families to reduce poverty, hunger, and deforestation, and contribute to increased biodiversity."

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  • Simon och Emily  & Vilda o Tindra Simon och Emily & Vilda o Tindra gav 500 kr

    Grattis fina älskade Siri på din födelsedag! Låt oss alltid plantera fler träd <3

  • Pappsen Björkström Pappsen Björkström gav 1 000 kr

    Grattis Siri!

  • Matilda Wassgren Matilda Wassgren gav 100 kr

    Grattis Siri! 🌳

  • Lisbeth  Fürdell Lisbeth Fürdell gav 1 000 kr

    Grattis på 30-årsdagen käraste Siri 💚 Vi-skogen i våra hjärtan 💚💚💚

  • Pauline Mileikowsky Pauline Mileikowsky gav 300 kr

    Grattis finaste Siri 💖

  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr

    Happy birthday Siri!

  • Nadja Kosir Nadja Kosir gav 50 kr

  • Tussa Bygden Tussa Bygden gav 200 kr

    Grattis Siri! Skogsluft och kramar!

  • Anonym Anonym gav 500 kr

    Grattis på födelsedagen, Siri. VI-skogen är en gammal och mycket när bekant 🌳